Grant information|

Qualifying Certificate Community Contribution Grant Program
Series 7

The Guam Economic Development Authority (GEDA) has established a Qualifying Certificate Community Contribution (QCCC) Grant Program to support our local community and is encouraging eligible applicants to  apply.  This  grant  program  is  paid  for  with  funds  from  QC Beneficiary Guam Regional Medical City.

Applicants must be a registered Guam non- profit organization (NPO) or government of Guam department or agency.

  • Individuals
  • For profit Organizations and profit-making enterprise NPO’s
  • Private operating foundation
  • Fraternal, military, service clubs, or similar organizations whose principal activity is for the benefit of its members
  • Projects that directly benefit members of the Board or Staff of GEDA or their families to the second (2nd) degree of consanguinity.
  • Must be compliant in previous Grant series awards

Project must fall within one of the following four (4) categories:

  1. Healthcare (priority to the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority and the Department of Public Health and Social Services)
  2. Public Safety
  3. Economic Development with a priority on the promotion of the medical industry and small business.
  4. Cultural Preservation/Higher Education
  • Project must be able to be completed within twelve (12) months after the grant is awarded or disbursed funds must be returned, and remaining funds will be forfeited and remain with the grant program.
  • GEDA requires any government of Guam grantee to conform to the government of Guam procurement law (Chapter 5, Division 1, Title 5 of the Guam Code Annotated).
  • Non-government of Guam grantees must, at a minimum, obtain three (3) vendor quotes for items to be purchased over $15,000.
  • Grantee must publicly acknowledge the Qualifying Certificate contributor and GEDA.
  • GEDA does not require cost-sharing by grantees but highly encourages such cost- sharing plans, if any, to be included in its application.
  • Grantee must submit final project report at the end of the twelve (12) month period.
  • GEDA reserves the right to include additional conditions and requirements including but not limited to progress and financial reports.

Submit applications and supporting documents via email to

However, if documents must be hand delivered, we ask that you bring a copy to be stamped by our receptionist.

Application Information

  • Date; Date of application submitted
  • Organization; Legal name of the organization submitting proposal
  • Funding Request Amount
  • Year Founded; If applicable
  • Address; The organization’s mailing address
  • Phone/Email/Website
  • Tax ID number/certification; If a non-profit, copy of your 501 certificate, most recently filed Form 990, and Form W-9. If a government of Guam Agency or Department submit Form W-9.
  • President/Executive Director/Agency Head
  • Point of Contact; Primary organization contact

Organization Capacity

  • Applicant organizational structure

Use of Funds

  • For Total Project Budget, please use form provided.
  • Represents how much the project will cost and how the money will be used. If the proposed project includes other funding, identify all sources and amounts.
  • Project will be funded by issuance of a grant agreement.
  • The recipient shall obtain prior approval from GEDA for any budget or project revisions.
    The GEDA will issue a Notice of Funding Availability as Qualifying Certificate Community Contribution funds become available. This begins the QCCC Grant Program process.
    The application must be completed with supporting documentation and submitted by the grant deadline. Applications will be evaluated on the basis of this form as well as required supporting documents.
    The application is initially screened by GEDA staff and prepared for review by the Grant Evaluation Committee.
    Committee Members may include up to three (3) GEDA board directors, the GEDA Deputy Administrator, at least two (2) GEDA staff, and at least one (1) community member.
    Notice will be sent to Applicants.
    The GEDA Compliance Division will monitor the awarded grant to ensure the grant funds are used as intended.

What is the maximum grant award?

  • The maximum grant award for this series is $25,000.
  • We highly encourage smaller $10,000 Grant requests.

What costs can and cannot be funded by the grant?

GEDA reserves the right to determine what costs are allowable and unallowable. The following is a general guide on allowable and unallowable costs:

Allowable Costs:

  • Short-term staffing costs
  • Advertising, publicity, promotion, marketing, printing, and publishing costs
  • Administration (i.e.,communication, postage, and stationary expenses)
  • Document preparation or printing

Unallowable Costs:

  • Accommodation costs (i.e., hotels, short term vacation rentals, bed and breakfasts)
  • Conference attendance costs
  • Off-island travel
  • Operational Expenses
  • Stipends/Gift Cards for project participants
  • Equipment previously purchased with prior grant funds (computers/laptop, etc.)

What is the deadline for grant application submissions?

Extended to Friday, January 31, 2025, at 5:00 PM

When will grant funds be awarded?

Depending on the number of applications, awardees and non- awardees should hear feedback within thirty (30) days.

Is there a deadline to use the grant money when awarded?

Grant funds must be used within twelve (12) months of award.

Notice of potential disclosure under Freedom of Information Act

Applicants should be advised that identifying information regarding all applicants, including applicant names and/ or points of contact, may be subject to public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, whether or not such applicants are selected for negotiation of award.

What if I have questions of need help?

You can email your questions to
or contact GEDA at 671-647-4332.

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